Kamis, 01 Desember 2011


you would know if the kiwi fruit is very good for the skin. but in addition to beauty, it is also good for health. example is as an antioxidant. in addition, kiwi fruit was also beneficial to enhance the ability of the brain.

kiwi fruit although not as popular as other fruits, vitamin content fairly complete. in medicine, kiwi fruit can be transformed into a compound capable of binding to cancer. a kiwi fruit is sufficient to meet the requirements of vitamin C intake of adults.

content of vitamin C in kiwifruit is greater than twice that of oranges and 17 times more than apple. in addition, kiwi fruit also contains vitamin B1, B2, B6, and E. the role of vitamins C and E in kiwi fruit serves as an antioxidant, a substance-free antidote to radiation causes aging, and prevention of cancer cells. high content of vitamin C in kiwi fruit makes this fruit can defend the body from the flu and stress.

kiwi fruit also contains high fiber, so it is suitable for those who are on a diet program. Folic acid content was high and rich in vitamin C is also beneficial eliminate dark spots and remove impurities.

besides, the kiwi fruit contained the amino acids arginine and glutamate. arginine is a vasodilator or a decrease in blood pressure and helps improve blood flow. This amino acid also proved able to treat mild symptoms of impotence.

in fact, amino acids can increase a child's thinking ability. please note, the food consumed influential in increasing the ability of the brain. Therefore, besides the fish that have high enough amino acids to intelligence, kiwi fruit is also recommended as a food that has similar benefits with fish.

essential content in kiwi fruit is also very much. such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, and phosphorus. mineral potassium in the kiwi could reach 5.4 mg / calories. Potassium works to maintain the function of the nervous system reflex motion and maintain muscle system. This mineral also plays a role as lowering high blood pressure. so that the kiwi fruit can prevent heart attacks and hypertension.

a sweet kiwi fruit flavors mixed with a little acid, capable of providing its own freshness when consumed. can be presented in various preparations, such as pudding, ice cream, cake, or yogurt. like other kinds of fruits, this fruit should be consumed while still fresh, because the nutrient content in it has not gone away.

but it should be noted also that the kiwi fruit can cause allergies in some people. usually in the form of spots laxatives and diarrhea. so, do not be too much too ^___^

from: HelloHaiHi

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